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Recipes House

A recipe is simply defined as a set of instructions with a list of ingredients used to prepare a particular food, dish or drink. People use recipes to replicate foods they enjoy that they otherwise do not know how to make. Chefs use recipes to make sure a dish tastes the same each time it is ordered.

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Recipe House

Why people use recipes?
To replicate dishes: People use recipes to make foods they enjoy that they don't know how to make. To ensure consistent quality: Chefs use recipes to make sure a dish tastes the same each time. To control costs: Recipes help foodservice operations control quality, quantity, and food costs

What makes a good recipe?
Accurate measurements: A good recipe has exact and measured ingredients and serving sizes. Reliable results: A good recipe produces consistent and reliable results, regardless of who follows it. Clear instructions: A good recipe is easy to understand, even for inexperienced cooks.

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  1. Fat-free or low-fat dairy products.
  2. Fish and poultry, which have generally low levels of saturated fats. Beans and nuts.
  3. The diet limits the following: Fatty meats, such as beef, pork and lamb. Full-fat dairy products. Tropical oils, such as coconut and palm oils. Sweets and sugar-sweetened drinks.
  4. Donec vitae sapien ut libero ventenatis faucibus.
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